
看了國外導演所拍攝的台南,真的覺得【台南 好美】
從空中俯看到了整個台南,黑面琵鷺、綠色隧道 、孔廟… 



看天候情況會有不同的打扮 ,有些時候沒有戴斗笠 跟救生衣~

船在隧道中,在樹林中,透過枝葉的微光,打在綠綠的水面上,我覺得真的有【九寨溝】的感覺有一種讓人心情平靜的感覺~ 台灣真的是 得天獨厚。

我真的不知道要用什麼文字來形容這美景~   只能說 快來台南吧~

台南謝宅  小五
  Taijiang Ecological Culture Zone You may not know it from the flat, suburban sprawl, but Tainan is on the doorstep of one of Taiwan’s eight national parks. The Taijiang National Park encompasses much of the coastline and estuaries north of Tainan City. Even within the city limits, sporadic areas are designated national parkland. The Taijiang Ecological Culture Zone functions as an information center and showcase for the park within Tainan city limits. Protected wetlands, ecological museums, as well as historic temples and forts all exist as part of this cultural zone. The national park mostly encompasses the tidal lands, sandbanks, and wetlands along the coast of northern Tainan County. These estuaries were created by silting over the last few centuries and have become home to a bountiful ecosystem. The main part of this zone is the Sihcao Park which includes Dazhong Temple, Sihcao Artillery Fort, a small whale museum, walking paths, and the docks for boat tours of the mangrove green tunnel and the wetlands along Sihcao Wildlife Preserve and the Yanshui River. Nearby is also the Salt Field Eco-Culture Village. Further afield, but also included in the cultural zone, are the Luermen Matsu Temple, and the Orthodox Luermen Matsu Temple. All of these are within Annan District of Tainan City. Probably the main reason to come to this park is to take the boat tours into the wetlands. There are two tours to choose from. The first is a 30 minute raft ride through the mangrove green tunnel. The second is a 70 minute boat ride out into the wetlands and the Yanshui River. The mangrove green tunnel (30 min. Adult NT$150; Concession NT$100) raft ride takes you along a mangrove-lined waterway. The mangroves form a beautiful tunnel-like canopy over the river. This is a fairly intimate ride that slowly moves along a narrow waterway where you could easily reach out and touch the trees. The ride doesn’t take too long. It says 30 minutes, but really, that is 15 minutes up and 15 back-tracking. There’s a bit of a theme-park hokeyness to the experience, but it’s worth putting up with it for the experience of being inside the tunnel. On an additional note, don’t let the pictures of people in kayaks passing through the tunnel fool you. There are no kayaks for rent. I was pretty excited by the idea of paddling through the mangroves myself, and pretty disappointed to learn that I couldn’t do it. The folks at Barking Deer Adventures, however, seem to have found a way to take kayaks through. The other boat ride is a better value (70 min. Adult NT$200; Concession NT$150). It’s on a bigger, canopy-covered boat that spreads out into more open territory. This ride heads out into various channels, skirting the Sihcao Wildlife Preserve, and then onto the Yanshui River just north of Anping. You’ll see a lot of fishing nets, mangroves, water birds and various other flora, fauna, and fishing activities. A guide gives an informative explanation of the trip, but it’s only in Chinese. The first part of the trip is a little dull, but once the boat hits the Yanshui River, the ride really improves. It pulls in close to many of the sandbanks that are home to dozens of bird species. Along with various egrets and ibises, many spoon-bills and other feathered creatures make their migratory stops here, especially in the spring and fall. Additionally, the views of Anping and the Lakeside Water Bird Park make for a lovely sunset view. In addition to the boat rides, other attractions to the park include the Sihcao Artillery Fort, Dazhong Temple, the whale museum, and the Salt Field Eco-Culture Village. reference by Tainan City Guide

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